Kirk Rheinlander                              

2866 Calkins Place, Broomfield, CO 80020 or 1301 W. Lambert Lane, #9104, Oro Valley, AZ 85737 -- 520.906.7533  

Skills Summary

Corporate & IT strategy / strategy execution, M&A, post-merger integration, enterprise architecture, performance improvement, organizational design, portfolio rationalization, business transformation, cost optimization, outsourcing, shared services.

Quickly assimilate a business’s complexities and inter-relationships. Collaborate and coordinate with senior executives to develop strategy, subordinate business initiatives and metrics, and strategic execution. Identify significant corporate growth opportunities and deliver $1B+ savings. Transfer knowledge of proven, rapid, repeatable techniques that produce tangible, sustainable business value. Align actions with executive values and intent to enable effective decision making at all levels and across all functional organizations. Repeated success at over 50 clients from global Fortune 10s to startups. Led breakthrough innovations in business process, products, and technology in a diverse range of industries, including positive cultural change.

- Consulting: 15+ years of executive management consulting; interim and shadow CxO roles, corporate and IT strategy development and strategic execution.

- Employee: 6 years of senior executive leadership experience; 15+ years in product development and operations management.

Sample Accomplishments

* Savings and Growth: Strategic Planning And Business Initiatives Delivery

-  Repeatable avg. 30% in saving delivered as a CxO Trusted Advisor.

-  Developed strategy, derived business initiatives and drove execution through the enterprise for a 20+ major companies; 12 Fortune 1000 corporations; 5 Fortune 100s.

-  Facilitated shared services transitions for 5 Fortune 1000 companies; $10 million+ in savings.

-Led global diverse teams ranging from small, targeted operations, to large scale, international teams and $B+ projects.

* Creating Positive Gain through Innovation

-Nationally known speaker on creating an innovation culture and accelerating positive change - Ohio State University, Capstone Program; Borland and BEA Systems; KJR IS Survivor Conference, Las Vegas, NV; American Computer Machinery (ACM) society, Columbus, OH; itSMF Regional Conference speaker.

-Led development of advanced CRM enabled retail fuel delivery; reduced costs by 46%; currently in global deployment.

- Led development of a new concept in satellite wireless Internet multicasting technology.

- Developed advanced production quality networked data collection system for shop floor quality reporting.

- Led development the first laser interferometer based disk drive positioning accuracy measuring device.

-Led product R&D for a new concept in real time remote diabetic monitoring.

- Developed an access encoding algorithm and card key access system in common use today.

- Original IBM PC development team member; co-founder of the first Apple Macintosh User Group.

* Process Improvement Innovations

- Created advanced project review process at a major health insurance company, cutting project phase initiation evaluation / due diligence cycle time from 3 (FTE) months to less than 3 (FTE) days. Deployed this process successfully at 24 organizations.

- Managed development of a groundbreaking process mapping technique, later successfully commercialized (Rummler-Brache), as well as several innovative robotic technologies, leading DoD contractor technology “think-tank”; 14 PhD level staff.

- Developed innovative professional pay-by-skill promotional criteria and process, optimizing skills application to workload.

- Key contributor to the development of the software engineering design process (Software Engineering Process Guide design process) for a large-scale development effort (400 software engineers).

- Developed and implemented innovative software development process approaches; resulting in 700%+ decrease in software development cycle time. Concurrently delivered both SEI CMM and ISO 9000-3 certification.

- Developed QEO – Quantifying Expert Opinion – a risk management and producibility assessment approach required in DoD 5000.2 Production Transition manual for all US defense acquisition efforts since 1991.

* Other Key Accomplishments

- Architecture concepts published in “Business Driven Information Technology”, ISBN 0-8047-4943-4, 2004

- Created the Integrated Transition Program Schedule (ITPS), a diagram depicting the forgotten connective inter-relationships of all DoD documentation and process, currently enlarged and posted in the Pentagon.

- Enterprise Architecture process voted global best practice at Meta Group’s International EA Conference

- Led design, purchasing and deployment of IT computing infrastructure in a new public charter school. Deployed over $350k of infrastructure for under $60k in less than 3 months (as a volunteer).


President, KPJ Squared, Inc., Tucson, AZ, Dublin, OH and Denver, CO, (1995 – 1997; 2003 - present).

Led a successful management consulting firm, primarily focusing on developing strategic execution of effective business aligned technology, cultural change, and innovation. Knowledge transfer of these broad experiential successes and best practices to senior executives, facilitating improved operational performance and driving innovation.

- Services: strategic planning and execution, enterprise architecture (EA), business initiative definition, product conceptualization and design, and project implementation.

- Client Size: Fortune 20 to startups. Over 5 Fortune 1000s / 1 Fortune 20 clients.

- Industries: healthcare, distribution, manufacturing, insurance, energy, government, retail, services.

- Successes: Over $1B saved ($250M annual recurring at one client); multiple times that in growth opportunities identified, major innovations spawned, as well as new team interactions and massive positive cultural change.

Customers served, roles assumed, and the work delivered by Kirk Rheinlander, includes but is not limited to:


- Senior VP and Chief Information Officer (CIO) - Interim, Astra, Inc., Tucson, AZ: expanded product and services portfolio, adding 2 new service offerings, and led strategic planning at this ERP implementation consulting firm.

- CIO Advisor/Enterprise Architecture, State of California, Sacramento, CA: Created automated legacy transition tools and models for ERP transition planning of 140 government agency systems, supporting ERP selection.

- Software Engineering, Decision Support Services, Inc., Columbus, OH: Designed and developed a unique approach to on line patient tracking used by state and federal government agencies, supporting DHS, CDC, and NIH.

- CIO Advisor, Kehe Foods, Chicago, IL: Led enterprise architecture (EA), ERP, and warehouse management transition planning to JDE and Red Prairie, for this $1B+ high growth specialty food distribution company.

- CIO Advisor, University of Minn. / Fairview Medical, Minneapolis, MN: Led EA delivering Peoplesoft ERP migration for 18,000-person healthcare provider, creating and managing process and models to mitigate risk.

- CxO Advisor, Motorists Insurance Group, Columbus, OH: Established EA, corporate strategy process for 5 affiliated mutual property and casualty insurance companies, including shared services.

- CEO Advisor, Ganim Medical, Delaware, OH: Developed strategy, and spearheaded a new, unique operational process approach for this multi-million dollar refurbisher and reseller of medical equipment, decreasing costs.

- Interim Vice President, Flairsoft, Ltd., Westerville, OH:  Defined future strategy, and led all engagement management activities and organizational design for this international staff augmentation and IT contracting organization.

> Account Manager, The Ohio State University Graduate School, Columbus, OH: Reporting to the Dean; led conversion of paper-based grant management system to rapid, global creation and access, via web.

> Account Manager, American Electric Power, Columbus, OH: Led development of AI-based document generation system for creation of complex legal right-of-way documents, radically reducing costs.

> Engagement and Technology Lead, The State of Ohio - Office of Information Technology, Columbus, OH: Identified $250M in annual savings opportunities in just one functional activity, across the business.

> Business Transformation Leader, Nationwide Insurance, Columbus, OH: Facilitated paradigm shifting training approach to socializing business transformation change.

- CTO Advisor, Cardinal Health, Inc., Dublin, OH: Updated unique strategic decision analytics approach for this $100B pharmaceutical distribution company, refreshing work from prior full time employment.


- Lead Enterprise Architect, Defense Financial Accounting Service, Columbus, OH: KPMG EA lead; combined 160 accounting systems into a consolidated accounting / data warehouse environment.

- Lead Solutions Architect; United/Apollo-AT&T GIS, Chicago, IL: Led software design for next generation airline reservation system; developed using performer centered design concepts.

- Interim COO, Digital Concepts, Scottsdale, AZ – Led development of a new concept in wireless multicast broadband network technology.

*  Chief Enterprise Architect, Cardinal Health, Inc., Dublin, OH, 2002 to 2003 

Cardinal Health is a $100B, Fortune 20, pharmaceutical distribution company, with additional diversified product and service offerings in the health care industry. This senior management role led all technology direction across the company, and functioned as the acting CTO, the formal title being filled by the replacement.

-Restructured corporate strategic planning process, IT-business alignment, and strategic technology direction.

-Advised C-level executives on strategic direction - technology, people, and process.

- Achieved 80% reduction in change management review cycle time by implementing analytical filter process.

-Led product selection teams on major business initiatives, including but not limited to strategic planning, ERP, program and portfolio management, and security initiatives.

Principal, TAM Group, Inc., Estes Park, CO, 1997 to 2002

TAM Group is a boutique consultancy firm, founded by Dr. Charles Banning, one of the pioneers of the enterprise architecture paradigm during his tenure at General Electric (GE) in the 1980s. TAM Group’s high profile – and high value - engagements earned both industry and government recognition.

- Services: strategic planning and execution, enterprise architecture (EA), business initiative definition, product conceptualization and design, and project implementation.

- Client Size: Global Fortune 10 to Fortune 1000. Over 10 Fortune 100 clients.

- Industries: healthcare, manufacturing, insurance, energy, government, retail, informatics, logistics.

- Successes: Over $1B saved; multiple times that in growth opportunities identified, major innovations spawned, as well as new team interactions and massive positive cultural change.

Customers served over the past fifteen years, the roles assumed, and the work delivered by Kirk Rheinlander, includes but is not limited to:

- CxO Advisor, Ball Corporation, Broomfield, CO: Developed Corporate / IT strategy, ERP (JDE, MfgPRO, Praxis) consolidation for this $5.6B continuous process manufacturing company, resulting in $1B+ revenue increase.

- CIO Advisor, WellPoint Health Networks, Westlake Village, CA: EA process instantiation for this $54B health insurer. 3 month review cycle reduced to 3 hrs. Multiple Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) planned and completed.

- CIO Advisor, British Petroleum, Ltd., Chicago, IL: M&A IT and business impact planning for British Petroleum - Amoco merger, completed 1 year ahead of schedule for the resultant Fortune 5 company. $700M saved.

- CIO Advisor, Amoco Oil Inc., Chicago, IL: $36B global energy company - led corporate strategy development, IT strategy, and subsequent enterprise, business units, and technology architectures resulting in $40M saved.

- Deputy Director Advisor, Department of the Interior, US Bureau of Land Management, Denver, CO: Enterprise architecture business realignment, and major application redesign / recovery for a $2.4B development effort.

- CIO Advisor, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN: Led development of corporate and IT strategy efforts, enterprise and business unit architecture, risk planning, JDE ERP, and WebMD acquisition planning for this $12B embedded medical manufacturer.

- Product Selection Lead, Premier Health, Chicago, IL: Directed Seibel migration planning effort for the largest healthcare Group Procurement Organization (GPO).

- CIO Advisor, ACNielsen, Chicago, IL:  Developed IT strategy, enterprise architecture, in- vs. out-sourcing analysis.

- VP, Product Development Advisor, AT&T, Chicago, IL: Led product concept exploration for software design of social networking initiatives, code name GroupWeb, years before social networking became prevalent.

- Product Design Consultant, Abbott Labs, Chicago IL: Defined future strategic product direction, and performed design tradeoff analysis for remote diabetic monitoring technology alternatives.

Overview of Prior Senior Management Roles

-  VP/Ops at Travcom, an IBM IBU developing back office software for the travel industry.

-  VP/Mfg. direct report at Northrop; directed R&D manufacturing technology for weapons systems development.

-  President, Central Technologies, Inc.; led 350% sales increase within 18 months from existing stagnant growth.

-  VP/Engineering staff at Northrop; directed computer operations for 630 engineers, terminal to desktop PC transition.

-  Director, R&D at Tandon Corp., led integration design of disk drives into original IBM PC.

-  Created and sold 3 successful startup companies / worked for a venture capital firm.


-  Graduate coursework, Masters of Business Administration Program, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA

-  Bachelor of Science: Industrial Technology, University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine

-  Associates of Science: Electronics Technology, Maine Technical Institute, Bangor, Maine

-  Graduate, IBM Marketing School, Atlanta, GA


-  Board of Director member, for a multi-corporation, cooperative structured $140M+ high growth agri-business.
